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‘It happened around this time that Zrumeczky came to see me with the news that we could obtain the commission to design, oversee and financially manage the construction of the Calvinist parsona
„Az épület történetéhez tartozik az is, hogy az eredeti programmon kívül ugyancsak a múzeum telkén, a múzeumépület nyers befejezésekor azonnal hozzáfogtunk két múzeumőri lakóház építéséhez is,
This housing estate conceived by the Wekerle administration in 1908 was one of the largest of its kind in Europe and was constructed with the character of a garden city at a site that was then outs
The house designed for the attorneys Károly and István Keresztes integrates harmoniously into the character of the row houses on its street and enriches the existing historic surroundings.
In September of 1913, Károly Kós set off on a month-long study tour of Transylvania with his colleague Dezső Zrumeczky. They mention Enyed (Sângătin, Romania) as one of their stops.
In 1907, the Budapest Metropolitan Government took over operation of the Budapest Municipal Zoo and Botanical Gardens that had been opened in 1866, and decided to have it reconstructed in that same
Of the pavilions designed by Kós and Zrumeczky reminiscent of the architecture of distant exotic cultures, the Giraffe House stands out as the most significant.
'A smaller building has been designed to stand at the edge of the lake. It stands on poles above the water, with bamboo poles supporting the wide, lightweight roof surrounded by a wide corridor.
The Kangaroo House is one of the two smaller pavilions enclosing the little square in front of the Monkey House. Similar to the House of Small Rodents, it has a shingle roof.
‘In 1653 AD I started the construction of the herd barn, for which I hired carpenter János Bot from Sztána. Also, I had new shingles put on the roof of the old house and a new porch added.
‘The Poultry Run, in which a wide variety of types can be raised, could be of special interest to the public of Budapest. Turkeys, hens, and ducks live in the setting ofa small villagefarm.
The Lecture Hall, the Director's Office and Residence and the Music Pavilion were never realised.