This was a single-story building with a symmetrical ground plan. The entrances opened from separate terraces on either side of the central section that projected outward from the main façade. The rooms for the patients were located in the rear section. Novel elements on this building that had the usual white walls and a rustic stone plinth were its myriad of tile-roofed chimneys with whitewashed sides. This pavilion, which was completed in 1923, was demolished along with the unfinished service building in 1975 when the new hospital was built. The Infectious Disease Pavilion (later the Dermatological Clinic) was expanded with the involvement of Dr. Fogolyán by adding a new story in 1936.
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Csutak Vilmos: Közösség és Művelődés. Kriterion, Bukarest, 1993
Koczka György, dr.–Nagy Lajos, dr.: Általános történeti áttekintés. In: Emlékkönyv. A Sepsiszentgyörgyi Kórház 145 éve. Sepsiszentgyörgy, 1998 (9–20.)
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