

The shingle roof of the small, single-floor building was originally decorated with elaborately carved and painted rabbits and small rodents. The special feature of the facades are the entrances, all of them complete with a jutting wooden roof resting on carved wooden posts. The main elevation is dominated by a long veranda, likewise with wooden posts holding the roof. The back wall, in turn, was meant by the architect to receive a mural, depicting characters from children’s stories, surrounded by natural stone surfaces and the texture of the wooden shingles. This wall was originally made more homely with a set of carved wooden benches for the visitors to sit on.

Many of the fine details of the building, including the shake shingled roof and the painted decorations can be seen again after the renovation of 2004.


Lendl Adolf: Milyen lesz az állatkertünk. In: Fővárosi Közlöny, 1909. május 18.

Györgyi Dénes: Az állatkertről. In: Magyar Építőművészet, 1912. X/11-12. (1-44.)

Gall, Anthony: Kós Károly műhelye – tanulmány és adattár. Mundus Magyar Egyetemi Kiadó, Budapest, 2002. (152-154.) [1909-1j]

Egy kis erdélyi levegő a fővárosban. In: Napkeletről jöttem, nagy palotás rakott városba kerültem. Fabó Beáta – Anthony Gall: Kós Károly világa 1907-1914. Budapest Főváros Levéltára, Budapest: 2014. (87-91.)

Date of planning
1909 - 1909 1909
Date of construction
1909 - 1910 1910
Budapest XIV. Városliget, Állatkerti körút
Budapest Székesfővárosi Tanács
Kós Károly
Zrumeczky Dezső
Peterek és Wagner; Müller Ernő; Tabermann Gusztáv utóda Fritsch Emil cég; Vasgerendákat árusító Rt.; Wellisch Arnold; Drobnitsch György; Kressalek Béla
Building type
cultural building
Building status
renovated with alterations