

‘It happened around this time that Zrumeczky came to see me with the news that we could obtain the commission to design, oversee and financially manage the construction of the Calvinist parsonage and prayer hall in Óbuda - if only we would undertake the job together. […] This is how I came by my first ever (joint) municipal assignment.’ (Kós Károly: Életrajz. Szerk.: Benkő Samu. Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó–Kriterion, Budapest–Bukarest, 1991. 83–84.)

Károly Kós and Dezső Zrumeczky received this commission in the spring of 1908 from the Reformed Congregation of Óbuda. The curate of this congregation was Kornél Neuschloss, and Zrumeczky was working in his office at this time. The parsonage was designed and constructed in parallel with the work on the Zebegény Church, which was also performed by Kós and his recently graduated fellow students from the Technical University. The sharing of architectural projects was characteristic of the work of the Fiatalok group. The success of the project contributed to Neuschloss, an influential city alderman, to recommend them for the design of the buildings of the Budapest Zoo.

This building that stands directly adjacent to the church already shows the compositional elements characteristic of Kós’s later works, such as a rustic stone plinth, a plain façade punctuated by mostly simple window openings, and varied roof forms covered in tiles. This is complemented by a protruding balcony with a wooden railing that is protected from the rain by an overhanging roof. 

The arrangement of the plan creates two separate courtyard spaces. The building’s entrances under a covered porch open onto the first courtyard, which is separated from the street by a stone and picket fence and is bounded by a chestnut tree. The residential suites are located on the eastern (street) and southern (courtyard) sides, while the auxiliary spaces (kitchen, servant’s quarters, etc.) are in the northern wing. A residence for a parson and their family is located on each of the two levels, with a pair of studio apartments on the ground floor. An assembly hall (subsequently modified) with its own separate entrance adjoins the L-shaped residential wing. The interior contains a number of stained-glass windows designed by Károly Kós.

Later the prayer-house was given a new roof structure and the attic level was developed for use.


Nagy Katalin: Adalékok Kós Károly építészpályájának kezdeteihez (ELTE BTK, szakdolgozat), 1981

Kós Károly: Életrajz. Szerk.: Benkő Samu. Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó–Kriterion, Budapest–Bukarest, 1991 (83–84.)

Gall, Anthony: Kós Károly műhelye – tanulmány és adattár. Mundus Magyar Egyetemi Kiadó, Budapest, 2002 (142–143.) [1908-5]

Fabó Beáta–Anthony Gall: „Napkeletről jöttem nagy palotás rakott városba kerültem”. Kós Károly világa 1907–1914. Budapest Főváros Levéltára, 2014 (66–69.)

Gall, Anthony: Kós Károly (Az építészet mesterei. Sorozatszerk.: Sisa József). Holnap Kiadó, Budapest, 2019 (66–67.)

Date of planning
1908.03 - 1908.08 1908
Date of construction
1908.09 - 1908.11
Original address
Budapest III. Kálvin köz 4.
Budapest III. Kálvin köz 4.
Calvinist Church, Óbuda – The Parish Curator: Kornél Neuschloss
Kós Károly
Zrumeczky Dezső
Building type
ecclesiastical building; public building
Building status
executed work