

Of the pavilions designed by Kós and Zrumeczky reminiscent of the architecture of distant exotic cultures, the Giraffe House stands out as the most significant. Here the two architects recognised the structural and tectonic possibilities offered by African architecture. The Giraffe House was considered a progressive and bold move at the time of its construction and the design is reminiscent of the designs made by István Medgyaszay for the studios of the artists of the Gödöllő Artists' Community. The building is a composition of flat-roofed blocks, a principle revisited by Kós in 1930, when making the designs for the Art Gallery of Kolozsvár/Cluj. The exterior surface was artistically refined due to the decoration of the main elevation and the jutting, elaborate eaves.

The building was partly demolished as a result of war damage, and eventually a new building was made on the base of the original. In 2010, however, the altered parts were removed and surviving structures were brought to the surface and the whole building reconstructed using the original designs.


Lendl Adolf: Az új állatkert. Magyar Építőművészet VII/6. 1909. (1-16.)

Györgyi Dénes: Az állatkertről. In: Magyar Építőművészet, IV/10-12. 1912. (1-44.)

Gall, Anthony: Kós Károly műhelye – tanulmány és adattár. Mundus Magyar Egyetemi Kiadó, Budapest, 2002 (188-189.) [1909-1n]

Fabó Beáta–Anthony Gall: „Napkeletről jöttem nagy palotás rakott városba kerültem”. Kós Károly világa 1907–1914. Budapest Főváros Levéltára, 2014 (128-129.)

Date of planning
1909 1909
Date of construction
1909 - 1910 1910
Budapest XIV. Városliget, Állatkerti körút
Budapest Székesfőváros
Kós Károly
Zrumeczky Dezső
Peterek és Wagner; Müller Ernő; Tabermann Gusztáv utóda Fritsch Emil cég; Vasgerendákat árusító Rt.; Wellisch Arnold; Drobnitsch György; Kressalek Béla
Building type
cultural building
Building status
destroyed and reconstructed