

“I purchased a lot in Sztána (Stana) for Jenő Kovács. Now I am working on the plan for their house, I would like it if they could move in next year.” (Kós Károly levele Benedek Elekhez, 1924. szeptember 14. in: Sas Péter (szerk.): Kós Károly levelezése. 2003. 158.)

Károly Kós and the writer, poet, and newspaper editor Jenő Szentimrei (Kovács) (1891-1959) knew each other through the periodical Vasárnap (Sunday, later Vasárnapi Újság – Sunday News), which they edited along with Elek Benedek. Szentimrei was also one of the founding members of the Transylvanian Guild of Fine Arts. He came to Sztána due to Kós, and he built his family home on a lot neighboring the architect’s home. The house was originally to be built for Gyula Ferenczy, Szentimrei’s father-in-law.

The two-story building was constructed from stone and logs, and had a wooden shingle roof, an example of the country cottage style. Its covered porch is decorated with carved support columns that rise directly from the building’s base. The use of wooden shingles makes it possible for the constructed roof profile to emulate the picturesque silhouette that appears in the architect’s perspective drawings.

The following inscription appears on the lintel:

“This house was built according to the designs of Károly Kós for Ágnes and Judit due to the kindness of their grandfather. A.D. 1925”

The building was later expanded according to designs by Kós.


Gall, Anthony: Kós Károly (Az építészet mesterei. Sorozatszerk.: Sisa József). Holnap Kiadó, Budapest, 2019 (190.)

Gall, Anthony: Kós Károly műhelye – tanulmány és adattár. Mundus Magyar Egyetemi Kiadó, Budapest, 2002 (322.) [1924-6]

Kós Károly: Kalotaszegi vállalkozás. In: Korunk XXX./10. 1971. október (1501–1512.)

Szentimrei Judit: Sztánai emlékek. In: Művelődés LVII./ 5. 2004. május (28–29.)

Date of planning
1924 1924
Date of construction
Sztána, Stana
Almaşu utca 134.
Ferenczy Gyula, Szentimrei Jenő
Kós Károly
Building type
dwelling house
Building status